Rose identification...?
By Llew
United Kingdom
I know this is a long shot as there's so many, but do any of you know what this rose could be? The only clues I can give is that it's a Hybrid Tea, is standing 3ft tall at the moment, it's probably quite a common one and that when the bud broke it had a deep red tip. It's also one of the ones with very dark green, glossy leaves.
I bought it about 4 years ago I think and the label is long gone but I'm sure I wasn't buying anything unusual or difficult at the time. I realise it may help if there's a pic when it's fully open so we can see the type of petals, but thought I'd ask now, just in case. :o)
I've got 3 unknown roses (Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!) 2 in pots, but this one is in my bed.

5 Jun, 2009
My contribution is 'Mountbatten'??
6 Jun, 2009
Don't know but what else do your share your bed with? Must be very uncomfortable.
6 Jun, 2009
You know, I thought you'd got it, Spritz. I remember buying a Mountbatten but then remembered that was another house, and it's a clustered one. This is a HT.
Telme, thanks for all that, hun but I've looked at all the pics of those, and no. None. This has no red at all when open.
Wagger. I also share my bed with a 7 stone German Shepherd, lolol.
Updated the pic of the bud above as it may help to see the red and I think sometimes buds are more recognisable than the actual flower, and also added a pic to my photo's as the rose is nearly open now, so you can see no red on it and it's a bright vibrant yellow.
As I said, I know it's a long shot. :o(
6 Jun, 2009
No, it's not 'Mountbatten' then - that's a floribunda and has no red. Sorry.
6 Jun, 2009
Sorry Llew, I thought you meant when the bud broke into flower the edge of the petals were red. Sorry I cannot come up with the answer the revised photo of the bud seems very familiar. Another I have looked up is Kings Ransome but sadley they do not show a picture of the buds in many books. We will have to complain "Bud, leaf and flower please!"
6 Jun, 2009
Awwww, never mind. Thanks for trying though.
Maybe the name will come to me in a dream, eh? lol.
6 Jun, 2009
Hello Llew yet again, I said the bud was very familliar! well this morning on inspectin my garden and our Golden wedding rose bed I found the very large yellow rose with masses of buds with red on the outer covering, called Golden Celebration. I also have Golden wedding which is a David Austin H.T. but the buds are not full in evidence yet a little later. I am posting a picture on my photo file. Why it did not click before was, my roses are the David Austin ENGLISH ROSE not the H.T. but the same style, bush roses only more prolific! I may be wrong again, but the labels can go very wrong, as an old chap who worked for us used to work in a garden centre and he used to say don't always believe the labels, when they get a bit tired, anything will do!!
7 Jun, 2009
Thanks, Telme.
It does look similar, but I think we've failed again.
As you said in your pm, your buds are definitely fatter and also the growth habit is very different. Although you have single stems, you have them in groups. Mine is very open with one long stem on its own. I've uploaded a pic so you can see what I mean (although that could be because the roses were previously neglected and need a really hard prune).
As far as I remember, I'm pretty sure I only have one D.A. rose and that's my Gertrude Jekyll.
7 Jun, 2009
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MARIAN HARKNESS and PEACE, but I don't think it's peace as it is difficult not knowing the extent of the red colour and where. If none of these satisfy let me know and I will spend a little more time later today.
6 Jun, 2009