By Peter64
United Kingdom
I have a WSW sloping front giving way to lawns and trees. The soil is predominantly clay (Lancashire) but seems to support all sorts of growth.
The angle of inclination is approx. 20% and really needs to be supported to prevent soil erosion.
For the past 20 yrs. it has been home to a prolifically flowering shrub with furry grey leaves, daisy-like yellow flowers which seem quite common but are now woody and rather to large.
I want an instant solution! (ground cover).
Need advice, please.
On plant
Will add a picture tomorrow if the weather remains fine. Thank you for your replies. Good ideas!
21 Jul, 2012
Your shrub sounds like Senecio. An instant solution in ground cover is not possible as all plants take time to grow. The only instant living cover that comes to mind is turf, grass or Camomile. Or you could cover in a pegged down membrane and plant into that. First you have to remove the Senecio and prepare the ground for new plants of which there are lots too choose from, such as Hypericums depending on the soil/conditions and the look you want to achieve.
21 Jul, 2012
Senecio responds very well to hard pruning - if you can get on the slope in spring, you can cut them down to about 6 inches and they'll regrow - but don't cut like that now, wrong time of year, although you can certainly cut them down by a third now.
21 Jul, 2012
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you ever considerd 2 ponds with a waterfall going down the slope . you could cement some cobbles together of different sizes then sprinkly loose ones and make it hiander along assell as just down . a few stepping stones and a little grass and some flowerbeds within the waterfall even on a high spot . use a big liner underneath it and old man made carpet under that ie the cheapest . youl kill about 4 birds with one stone .just a thaught .
21 Jul, 2012