By Pine848
United Kingdom
I've just discovered that the leaves of my gooseberry bush have been stripped - only a few veins on the leaves, plus the fruit, left. It looks like the same culprit has done the same to the lupins although all the plants around are untouched. I can't see what might have done this - has anyone else experienced anything like this?
21 Jul, 2012
Give it a feed with high Nitrogen fertiliser to help it put on new leaves.
21 Jul, 2012
Many thanks. Glad to know the bush will recover -I'll give it a feed as you suggest.
21 Jul, 2012
Good luck Pine
22 Jul, 2012
Don't know about the lupins but suspect gooseberry sawfly - small greenish caterpillars that can strip a bush in a few days. The bush doesn't normally die and will be Ok again next year even if it doesn't regenerate this year.
21 Jul, 2012