What Is Wrong With My Ceanothus?
By Dawnsaunt
United Kingdom
Why do you think my ceanothus has gradually gone leggy and only has the odd flower? I've fed and watered it but there is no change. Everything else around it seems OK. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

6 Jun, 2009
I've had it for about 5 years Bamboo. As for the variety, I think its Burkwoodii, but not certain. I was thinking of cutting it down like you suggest but wasnt sure, nothing to lose really, thank you.
6 Jun, 2009
They say that if you cut into old wood with Ceanothus it will kill it, but as you say nothing to lose, but if you do lose it and replace it mind you trim it each year after flowering only cut into the new growth, then it will bush out and give you a mass of flower.
6 Jun, 2009
Thanks Telme, that's probably where I've gone wrong then - lack of pruning. It was quite tall when I bought it, probably that didnt help either.
6 Jun, 2009
if you really like it, take cuttings and if they take you still have the plant you like. if they dont take well at least you tried. good luck :o)
6 Jun, 2009
That's a good idea Seaburn, thanks. Do you think now is the right time of year to cut it down?
6 Jun, 2009
I stupidly used this plant to create a hedge between myself and the pavement as recommended by an imbasile at a local garden centre. It is a pain to keep trimmed and it will go woody and leggy if you prune it too much. It is true, if you cut into the woody growth it is rare for it to regrow in that area. If you have the space to grow a ceanothus and let it just grow without too much of a haircut you will have a beautiful plant. They only last 10 - 15 years at the most. I would dig it up and dig over the soil adding some bonemeal and ericaceous compost as they prefer it slightly acidic and replant with another one.
8 Jun, 2009
Thanks Andrea. I think I'll cut it down, if it dies I'm not too worried, if it shoots that will be a bonus but I'll probably not replace with another one. Thought they were easy shrubs, hmmmm.
8 Jun, 2009
Difficult one to answer, don't know and can't tell what variety it once was, nor do you say how old it is. Cut it down now to a foot or two, see what happens, buy another if it doesn't do better.
6 Jun, 2009