Veg plot
By Getankenyon
United Kingdom
I am a first time grower of veg and have a small plot in my garden which is doing really well. However, I don't think I have allowed my cauliflowers enough depth to grow, the tops are growing great guns and I wonder if I would risk losing them if I moved them to deeper soil in order to give them more room to grow?
6 Jun, 2009
If I were you I would leave well alone. There will be one of two outcomes, good or bad - either way as a beginner you will have learned a lesson that you can share with others. Also, there is always next year, good luck!
7 Jun, 2009
here here chris
7 Jun, 2009
well if the tops are growing great guns and thats the bit you eat what is giving you the idea you havnt left enough for moving them as a general rule and i use that term loosly winter or spring is the best time to move a plant but you mite be able to.i moved a well established pot grown fatsia once from one house to another about a mile away.nothing had changed apart from the move but it didnt even like that and slowlley but surley died
7 Jun, 2009