Please can you tell me what this plant is?
By Brinleym
United Kingdom
When my father died this was one of his plants, Christine has looked after it ever since but we have no idear what it is, can you help and tell us what it is please?

7 Jun, 2009
Definately an air plant and you do just spray them with a mist of water. I don't know about feeding either. Those red and purple things are flowers I think.
7 Jun, 2009
Thanks for the info, Christine has only ever sprayed it with a mist of water so she must have got it right. Gilli they are flowers as we had them come out two years ago they look lovely when open.
7 Jun, 2009
It's 20 years since I did my A level biology so please take the following comments with a pinch of salt! As far as I can remember air plants don't need to be fed, they 'fix' nitrogen and the like by the symbiotic use of bacteria at their base. Spraying doesn't actually water the plant in the normal sense as such but provides a constant climate around the plant which also aids gas transfer by diffusion.....I think!
7 Jun, 2009
Thanks for that Chris a very interesting reply to my question and very informative.
7 Jun, 2009
googled air plant images and not sure but could it be tillandsia ionantha? anyway you should be able to find it that way now although most just say "air plant"
7 Jun, 2009
Thanks for that I never gave Google a thought.
8 Jun, 2009
It looks like a type of Bromeliad which can also be a plant that will use a host to grow
8 Jun, 2009
Update after doing a Google search I now believe the plant is an Air Plant, Tillandsia Caput-Medusae. Thanks for your replys.
8 Jun, 2009
Its some sort of air plant I think, but I have no experience of them. I think they just need spraying with water occasionally but have no idea about feeding
7 Jun, 2009