Do I need to use a ericacious compost to plant an Canary Island Palm?
By Badger
United Kingdom
The garden contains a neautral loam!
7 Jun, 2009
As long as the soil is well drained and contains a lot of grit around the roots you should be fine. It is all about replicating the natural habitat of the plant to get the best success.
8 Jun, 2009
Bamboo, if you put Canary Island Palm in Google it will come up with the latin if that is what you are expecting. Phoenix Canariensis! Or the Canary Island Date Palm.
8 Jun, 2009
The Canary Islands are basically volcanic, I aint seen any volcanic compost mixes at my local nursery!
Can anyone give me a recipe for the perfect substate?!
8 Jun, 2009
Well thanks for that name, but I can't say an image sprang to mind even with the Latin;-)
8 Jun, 2009
Google images. Try this
Type in Phoenix Canariensis and press search, I couldn't resist lol xx
9 Jun, 2009
Previous question
I'm not sure what a Canary Island Palm is, but as far as I know, palms do not require particularly acid soil.
7 Jun, 2009