why hasn't my mock orange flowered?
By Bellsaralou
United Kingdom
I have had my mock orange for 4 yrs and it has never flowered. I have 2 others in the garden and they flower beautifully. I have never pruned any of them.
7 Jun, 2009
Pruning them after flowering not only keeps the shape of the shrub, but stimulates new shoots which will produce the flowers next year. Maybe you could trim the non-flowering one in July with the others after the normal flowering period, and see if it helps for next year.
7 Jun, 2009
3 years ago when i moved here the mock orange was full of flowers. It then recieved a huge haircut from my mum that was visiting and didnt do anything the following year. This year however it has loads of flower buds, and not much black fly as I also remember it having lots last year.
7 Jun, 2009
You could google Lepidoptera Breeders Asscociation, they use Citrus species to raise butterflies and moths.
8 Jun, 2009
dear treesandthings
8 Jun, 2009
Previous question
If its the yellow form they really struggle to produce even a few flowers. sometimes too much fertilizer could be the problem but Im assuming your feeding them all the same
7 Jun, 2009