By Cornishsally
United Kingdom
I've never seen wild aliums like this before but saw them in three different places recently - all in Cornwall. Have I just missed seeing them before? Does anyone know what they're called please. (Incidentally the head was already broken off - I didn't do it!)

24 Jul, 2012
I agree with Bulbaholic about it actually being a garden allium that has gone feral but, apart from the fact that it is clearly an allium I wouldn't like to say what type. There are dozens, or maybe even hundreds of them. I've got about 20 different ones which all self seed happily (eventually).
25 Jul, 2012
The thing that surprised me about them is that I've never seen them before and they appeared in three different places - twice in hedgerows & once on a clifftop. And the places were a good fifty miles apart.
25 Jul, 2012
Previous question
« Can anyone tell me about this 'gooseberry tree' please? I saw it growing...
This looks rather like Allium sphaerocephalon, a European native, that is growing like an invasive garden escapee on your Cornish cliffs.
24 Jul, 2012