By Scubasteve
United Kingdom
Any recommendations for a shrub to fill this corner plot in my garden. I would ideally like something with flowering colour and low maintenance. The site gets about 4-5 hours sun from midday in Summer. Regards

24 Jul, 2012
Viburnum mariessi is a stunning shrub.
24 Jul, 2012
Be careful to choose the right one for your soil type.
25 Jul, 2012
How about Viburnum tinus 'Variegatum'? I love mine, and it's not nearly as vigorous as the non-variegated ones which might get too large for the space. All-year interest, too. :-)
25 Jul, 2012
Camellia or Pieris, so long as your soil isn't alkaline.
25 Jul, 2012
As it is sheltered I would choose a magnolia like Purple Sensation. Not evergreen but the purple flowers are amazing.
25 Jul, 2012
Camellias as they look so right in a woodland setting.
25 Jul, 2012
How about a Hydrangea, or a pink potentilla.
25 Jul, 2012
Buddleja! - so many to chose from but a medium size davidii cultivar would be best, or maybe B.alternifolia.
24 Jul, 2012