By Geranium_gem
United Kingdom
What's wrong with my Philadelphus? Not all the leaves are affected, the older ones at the bottom and those at the growing tips are ok, but the ones in the middle have gone sort-of brown. It's a dwarf variety in a container.

24 Jul, 2012
Looks like one of the 'spots' which affect almost every kind of wood plant, more so this year because of the weather conditions. You cannot get rid of it on the affected leaves, but if it really worries you, then try one of the Fungicides sold for Roses.
25 Jul, 2012
Ok, thanks :)
25 Jul, 2012
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If the new growth is fine, and the older growth is too, the most likely explanation is some problem that affected it a while back - maybe weather related, or a heavy infestation of blackfly, causing the damage on the leaves. Whatever was wrong isn't now, or the new growth would be the same.
25 Jul, 2012