By Andrea
United Kingdom
What can be planted now in the vege garden?
I have just lifted shallots grown since March and hung them to dry, and now I have a small patch to utilise. Being new to vege growing I am looking for suggestions of what I could grow there at this time of the year? The patch is only about 1.5metre square.
25 Jul, 2012
Chinese cabbage, mizuna greens, baby turnips (esp. white types), pak choi, American cress, and spring cabbage can be sown for planting out in the autumn. (Though not all in 1.5 sq m!!)
25 Jul, 2012
Sprouts or sprouting if you can buy the plants, too late to sow seeds.
25 Jul, 2012
Thanks, I have just been given some spare lettuce plants by a friend so have planted them in the spare ground. Thanks to Lizziebee - I have a sprout in apot...not sure how well it will do.
27 Jul, 2012
Spinach, salad leaves, broad beans, peas.
25 Jul, 2012