can this be identified yet?
United Kingdom
hi everyone i took a pic last week but was told it was to soon to be identified, i now have a more advanced pic and was wondering if its now possible to identify

8 Jun, 2009
Looks a bit like a young Peony
8 Jun, 2009
only small, someone said when there first leaves open it could be possible to tell, im hoping there gladiolus or astilbe, not sure which i planted as bareroot, if not both and a hosta i planted as bareroot but i havent a clue whats happening with them or how to investigate there progress
8 Jun, 2009
hmmm, i havent planted any peony,well i dont think, i already acquired some lupins from some nice blackbird or something so maybe i got a gardening angel lol
8 Jun, 2009
i still would go with astible as they are hairy when they first emerge. they are not gladies. they are like a crocosmia leaf. the gladies are a corm. astilbe would be barerooted.
look carefully round where you put the hosta and look for snail evidence [slime trails]. emerging hostas are a fav snail/slug food.
8 Jun, 2009
ive checked the hosta nearly everyday because someone warned me of snails,im thinking you could be right with astilbe because i can now remember that it was labeled astilbe pink and was like a rectangular root thing, also are corms like weird looking bulbs, i also had some weird black (stone like) bulbs, is that a corm? or just a bulb, i think if its the weird looking bulb i planted them in front of my poppies in full sun,thanks for everyones help
8 Jun, 2009
ive also gone out with the hoe and loosened all the top soil and weeded atc
8 Jun, 2009
It does look like Astilbe...def not Gladioli. Astilbes like a damp area. I'm thinking the black stone bulbs could be Anemones.
8 Jun, 2009
gladi corms are squat and have a fibrous reddy brown coat to them. like a crocus. the black ones do sound like anenomes corms. astilbe roots are woody. try not to hoe near the bulbs in case you take the tops off the emerging shoots. :o)
8 Jun, 2009
thank you, i think thats helped me establish what is where,well in a roundabout way, preety sure i got my astilbe to the right of my poppies and then i have gladiolus in front of them to the left a bit, i have my hosta by the front entrance (im thinking in to much sun from what bamboo say ) then i have a row of anemones running around the front of my garden along with a row of ixia in front of them and then i have a cluster of campanula and alysumm together at either end,also have a shrub but unsure of its name at the moment, when do i start planning for next season as ive only got summer plants i think,got bluebells but are they spring? think so because theyve been and gone
9 Jun, 2009
Definatly astilbe-my profile picture is a pink astilbe and i also have one groeing in my garden
you certainly sound like you have been busy
good for you
x x x
9 Jun, 2009
Bluebells ARE spring and will spread and spread and spread! And I agree with everyone else, that is most likely Astilbe, certainly not any of the other things you mention.
9 Jun, 2009
thank you all, ill plant on top and hope they mingle well together
9 Jun, 2009
how big are the foilage hun?
x x x
8 Jun, 2009