Help identifying flowers from France #1
By Barcar
United Kingdom
Can anybody help me identify this flower from a sunny French seaside garden (West coast)?
It had purple daisy-like flower with thin petals. Closed up in the evening. Low spreading plant. Thick "juicy" leaves.

9 Jun, 2009
Looking at images on other websites it sounds like Delosperma Cooperi. Didn't quite look like the other one to me. Thank you very much for your help!
9 Jun, 2009
Is it a mesembrianthemum? They open in the sun and close up again at night? They come in lovely bright colours.
9 Jun, 2009
Think it is Lampranthus...Barcar....I had these in my garden when we were in Spain.
9 Jun, 2009
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It looks like a type of delosperma but I would need to see the shape of the leaf to be sure. It could also be a lampranthus.
9 Jun, 2009