is this my delpinium?
United Kingdom
Hi again everyone.could anybody please tell me if this is my delphinium coming back to me? Many thanks

9 Jun, 2009
Are you sure it's not a stinging nettle, Not meaning to be rude, just having a laugh!!
9 Jun, 2009
saying that it does look a bit hairy but that could be my eyes
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9 Jun, 2009
i also think it is a stinging nettle. give it a gentle touch and let us know:o)
seriously it does look nettle. delphimium isnt as 'toothed' around the edge.
9 Jun, 2009
not my eyes then... wonder if any of mine are actually stinging nettles then... back in a mo
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9 Jun, 2009
definately a nettle mate, pull it out.
9 Jun, 2009
im gonna go feel it now,unfortunatley if it is a nettle i aint got any doc leaves about,ill let you know now whether it is or not
9 Jun, 2009
well i went out and felt it and it didnt sting me, rubbed it in all directions but still no sting so shall i just leave it and see or is it more worthwhile pulling it out?
9 Jun, 2009
There is another form of nettle known commonly as deadnettle - looks like nettle, no stings. Maybe it's that. Better wait and see what it does
9 Jun, 2009
ill do that, guess theres nothing to lose, cheers
9 Jun, 2009
I've just been out and checked my Delf' leaves and I'd say that yours definitely isn't. They're 5 lobed as well as toothed and more matt than shiny like yours.
Mind you, I'm glad I did go out, 'cause I've just caught and killed a froghopper that was on my Arabian Night Dahlia, next to the Delf'. :o)
9 Jun, 2009
frog hopper, whats one of these??? asking because ive also got an arabian night dahlia, i think cactus dahlia yeah? soon as you say what it looks like ill be out with my head lamp,really would reccomend a headlamp to anyone who might get home late and have things to do in the garden
9 Jun, 2009
It's a little green bug, hun and you'll find it inside a pile of white froth called cuckoo spit, lol.
They'll suck the life out of your plants if they get the chance. :o(
They aren't just for dahlia's though, I found one on tuther side of garden last week. They're not fussy what they eat, lol.
9 Jun, 2009
phew, thank you Llew
9 Jun, 2009
what... ive never heard of this either, ive got lots of cokoo spit, thought someone on here said that was nothing to worry about aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!
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10 Jun, 2009
Nah, get rid, Mookins.
They suck all the sap and your leaves will all curl up and new growth will be all distorted.
10 Jun, 2009
will the hose work on them?
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10 Jun, 2009
Yes, you can hose them off and then spray if you think necessary.
10 Jun, 2009
cheers Llew am not off out in my wellies and my hose
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10 Jun, 2009
hi i have never noticed the plant dieing from them. i tend to leave them alone. they dont seem to hang around for long. perhaps i have just been lucky.
10 Jun, 2009
No, you're right, SBG. They don't kill the plants, but I always panic that they'll ruin my buds and new shoots. They have 'curled' a few.
I'm just a fuss pot, lol.
10 Jun, 2009
was going to check and hose them off but after doing some planting the rain started again. found lots of pesky greenfly though grrr
they have been squished and sprayed with soapy water
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11 Jun, 2009
Previous question
« we got this recently it is about 18" high with 3 stems, it has develped new...
just popped out to look at mine and I think it may well be, but then I have 4 growing and all the leaves look different in different stages of growth
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9 Jun, 2009