Can anyone name this plant for me?
By Roseberry
United Kingdom
Isaw it a greeenhouse in a botanical garden in Prague

9 Jun, 2009
im pretty sure it is a hibiscus, it is beautiful :o)
9 Jun, 2009
something with a bird name springs to mind......
cant think, am sure its a birds name (common name)
x x
10 Jun, 2009
hibiscus schitzapetulas,I think the spelling is wrong,saw one a few years ago in australia.
10 Jun, 2009
Previous question
« I've got an espalier apple tree - it's two years old and the main upright...
it looks similar to something l have seen in B&Q but l don't think there is a B&Q in leeds but it will come to me soon and l will let you know forth comming
9 Jun, 2009