By Uphorea
United Kingdom
I had to move my sambucas plant today and tonight it has wilted really badly, We dug big holes and was as careful as we could be when digging it out. We watered the hole and the roots before putting it in :( Please help I love this plant and would be devastated if it died.
28 Jul, 2012
It'll need a lot of tlc in the next weeks/months if it was an established plant. Keep watering it frequently, and it might well settle down. Good luck!
P.S. Yes, do cut back some of the top growth. It does help! Julien is right.
29 Jul, 2012
Yes cut off the wilting growth and keep watering well.
If more wilts cut more off.
As it is naturally a deciduous shrub it will regrow even if you cut off every single leaf now.
29 Jul, 2012
Thank you everybody for your answers, I have tonight cut it back and watered it.
Fingers crossed it survives :-)
29 Jul, 2012
I'd be very surprised if it doesn't
29 Jul, 2012
I moved 1 five weeks ago - it looked awful for the first 2 weeks - then it started to pick up and looks great now.
Just make sure you keep it watered.
29 Jul, 2012
It would have been better to have moved this in its dorment state, however i have moved one of these for a client before, it was a very large sambucus nigra, i cut back most of the growth that started to wilt and it did recover in time.
28 Jul, 2012