By Kate40club
West Midlands,
United Kingdom
My alium globemaster 's have seeded now..I have 2 in a large I just cut them right down to soil level now and leave them in the pot for next year or will it be better to carefully lift and store them? thankyou
30 Jul, 2012
But don't cut the leaves back, allow them to die off naturally to feed the bulb.
30 Jul, 2012
Not sure I agree with you MG as unlike Narcissus and Tulips, Alliums replenish their bulb stores from their leaves before they flower, and I find I dont have much in the way of leaves as they come into Flower.
30 Jul, 2012
Yeah, mine lose all their leaves by the time it flowers. It is quite a common question here as people worry when their allium's leaves go yellow and fall off and they worry it is dying before flowering.
31 Jul, 2012
Some of ours do that others retain their leaves. Bulba recently dug up some alliums which had got out of hand, the very small handful we planted is now nearer a bucket load!
31 Jul, 2012
Mine lost all its leaves before it flowered all I have left now are 2 2 and a half foot dry stalks which are brown and totally hollow inside and dried seed ball heads..So shall I cut them off to soil level and store or shall I carefully lift them and store to re pot up for next year..Thanks everyone
1 Aug, 2012
Thats how mine are Kate, I just leave mine to disperse themselves, but you could try tying a small plastic bag over the heads and collect the seed as it ripens and falls.
1 Aug, 2012
The stalks should just lift out - so no need to cut. The seeds can be placed now where you want them to grow. They seedling looking like slightly thick grass, so out a label where you have put them as there is a risk you pull them as grass weeds. They need winter to germinate.
Also as Moon_growe has said the bulbs also divide underground, so you can end up with clumps of the stuff!
1 Aug, 2012
great info thankyou I have no prepared ground as yet would it be ok to start the seeds off in seed trays and then plant out later? thanks again
1 Aug, 2012
Prob better Kate to put them in a seed tray!
1 Aug, 2012
Yup seed tray if you need to...
1 Aug, 2012
thankyou :)
2 Aug, 2012
Im going to ask another question on a different thread with a picture about this :)
2 Aug, 2012
When they go white-ish they should just fall off when you tug them. I leave some as they look quite pretty and that allows the seed head to mature. If you do not want that then leave them till white and pull the stalk out.
30 Jul, 2012