By Paulderby
United Kingdom
I want to take "cuttings" from my black bamboo, which has been growing at the bottom of my garden for 2 years, to put into 2 large pots for the patio. When and how is the best way to do this? Paul.
30 Jul, 2012
It could be a bit young yet Paul, but then, I don't know how big it was when planted. So if you are convinced it is mature enough then dig around fairly close to the surface and you should find a rhizome (or two) put out by the clump. Gently cut one off and you should see 'nodes' on it. Cut up the rhizome so that a few 'nodes' are left on each piece. Plant these, preferably in a pot and keep well watered until growth starts to show. Division of the root clump is easier but is more traumatic for the plant.
30 Jul, 2012