By Andip
United Kingdom
Hi all,
I'm intending to level areas of a sloped garden by terracing. I want to add a shallow water channel that will sit within the top of one the retaining wall areas.
I'm not putting in any planting or fish in this, it's mainly for the cats and birds to have somewhere to drink from etc.
I'm sorted with waterproofing and drainage, but does anyone know the best type of pump to keep the water circulating.
Thanks in advance,
2 Aug, 2012
even the birds will wash and mess in your pond to .
3 Aug, 2012
you could have a nice water fall thow that would be used by the dogs and the birds etc,be a lot bigger but mainly have it for your slope and get the way it makes the drop with stones inside and out so it looks natural . trouble is these very minnamalistic gardens will need a lot more input than youd think .
3 Aug, 2012
Thanks all.
3 Aug, 2012
your welcome .
3 Aug, 2012
the best if your getting a small preformed pond is the fibre glass or a true butyl liner . id put plants in as the plants will stop the water going bad and it would be better moving water , id honestly and do so for 5 dogs keep a washing up bowl filled up .refresh it as and when ,
3 Aug, 2012