By Terrna
United Kingdom
I would like to grow something decorative in a large pot on my patio and I was wondering about a Magnolia or a Camelia. Would either of these be suitable bearing in mind that I live in the North-East of England? If not, has anyone any suggestions, please?
2 Aug, 2012
Never had a problem with a Camellia or Magnolia in a large pot. As long as you keep it well watered and fed (esp the Camellia with acidic soil and feed) it will be fine. I have a Magnolia Black Tulip in a large pot and it is happy. You may have to prune it to keep size in check but it does not grow that quickly.
2 Aug, 2012
Also make sure the pot is not in a windy area and doesn't get early morning sun in spring.
2 Aug, 2012
Many thanks to all who answered this question. Your comments have been most useful.
3 Aug, 2012
How about a Fuchsia too. They can get large in a season, bloom for many weeks on end, and could be discarded and another one used next time round. Sooner or later a shrub that wants to be really large will get pot bound, and you may be a bit older and less able to get it out of the pot......we have had this problem recently. We did it, but it was a massive effort than when we were younger, and never gave it a thought. When you choose a pot, go for one with sides that slope outwards too. For winter plant bulbs in the pot.
3 Aug, 2012
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« Hi all, I'm intending to level areas of a sloped garden by terracing. I want...
Magnolia Stellata might be a good choice. Always meant to get one and have never got round to it.
2 Aug, 2012