By Mandydougan
United Kingdom
why is my PIERIS not red
3 Aug, 2012
You normally get the new growth in spring or early summer and you might just get the odd little bit at this time of year. Most pieris shrubs will be green at this time of year and you will get the new growth next year.
3 Aug, 2012
Glad this was asked. A friend bought me one last spring and, once it was safely bedded in I didn't check it until yesterday when I spotted it was green. Saves me asking.
3 Aug, 2012
erm, and while we're asking... mine has grown much larger than its bed permits - can I chop it and if so by how much and when? (green at present but beautifully red in the Spring... it's in a bed I can see while at the sink that's how I know!)
3 Aug, 2012
You can prune, and reasonably hard, but don't go too mad;unfortunately, the best time to do it is in May, after its flowered, can't be pruned hard now, too late in the year. You can give it a light trim now though.
3 Aug, 2012
Manyn thanks for your swift answer. I shall just leave the plant now to increse in size
3 Aug, 2012
Because there's no new growth - the new leaves start out red and turn green as they mature, so if there's no new leaves, not unusual at this time of year, there's no red.
3 Aug, 2012