cat poo
By Philmoore7
United Kingdom
bar shooting the blighters or setting fire to them...any ideas on how to discourage cats from pooing in my raised herb garden.
On plant
11 Jun, 2009
Push some very spiky twigs into the soil (Pyracantha is good, or holly) or invest in an electronic cat-scarer.
11 Jun, 2009
Do they work, the electronic scarers, I mean? Have you tried one volunteer?
11 Jun, 2009
I keep them off my raised bed and off gravel very effectively with black plastic mesh.
11 Jun, 2009
invest in a shotgun end of problem period
11 Jun, 2009
I found the ideal solution was good old-fashioned 'mothballs'...... you can still buy them at Wilkinsons. Or, a while ago B&Q were selling 'Zoo Poo' which was dried (and not smelly) big cat poo; little cats daren't argue with that!
11 Jun, 2009
No, I haven't actually tried one but have heard that they are quite good. A bit pricey though!
12 Jun, 2009
Coleus canina, otherwise known as the 'Scaredycat plant'. Available on ebay and all good mail order plant distributors. It has a pong, undetectable to humans, that cats can't stand.
11 Jun, 2009