By Yorkshire13
Middlesex and Dorset,
United Kingdom
What is the name of this flowering plant, please??
Thank you to those of you who answered and with comments - I feel a roundup moment coming on!! My friend wondered what they were and they are 'interfering'with the design I am planning for that bed. Shall put some where they can wander to their heart's content.

4 Aug, 2012
I agree
4 Aug, 2012
Me too - mines taken over the garden this year - needs to be controlled!
4 Aug, 2012
Know just what you mean Cammomile, had to dig all mine up last year, thin them out and replant. I wouldn't be without them though, and the bees love them.
4 Aug, 2012
They're not the easiest thing to eradicate.
One of my customer's asked me to get rid of a 2 metre diameter clump earlier this year.
I've sprayed it with round up 3 times and hoed it to the ground a week after each treatment and it still keeps coming back.
Looks like I'll have to dig it out.
4 Aug, 2012
Same here, very pretty but spreads like mad. Ours has come up feet away from the main plant and is even coming up in the lawn
4 Aug, 2012
very easy to eradicate....roundup is your friend !!!!!! lol
Edit. @ Anchorman. I always use roundup at twice the recommended dose for invasive or woody stuff and it worked a treat. Ive even used it diluted 50/50 to stump kill a willow that i had just sawn down with very good results
4 Aug, 2012
I'll give that a try Andy
4 Aug, 2012
Anchorman, do you use the domestic or agricultural roundup?
5 Aug, 2012
The clump I am trying to get rid of has been treated with Agricultural strength Glyetc. every time a shoot appears for the last 3 years. It is still coming up. I have even tried Lawn Weed killer on it I noticed some new growth yesterday. The ones in the border which I thought I had eliminated are now in flower in the middle of other plants. I think I will dig out everything else and leave the border down to just anemones.
5 Aug, 2012
Agricultural strength Glyphosate , 2ndhand, but i will try Andy's suggestion and double the concentration
5 Aug, 2012
The trouble with using the wrong concentration is that too strong a dose and the plant does not absorb it and so it loses its effectiveness.
5 Aug, 2012
that's what i do when dealing with real thugs like ground elder and bindweed. Not that I have much of either left now.
6 Aug, 2012
Looks like Japanese Anemone
4 Aug, 2012