By Dragons
United Kingdom
Hi One and all...another gardening mystery.. I have a peach tree that has fruit then never mind what I do willlose its fruit except for the odd one or two that might go to full term??? Any ideas
4 Aug, 2012
joanii11- my immediate thougjhts are, that it is something to do with soil and I am going to get a test kit..somewhere I read fruit trees do not like to much ph and you need to introduce some lime- but I am unsure..hopefully the wizards here, will be able to help..
thanks and good luck also
5 Aug, 2012
Very young trees will often do this - if yours is young it might get better as it matures.
7 Aug, 2012
Previous question
« I saw a tree/shrub the other day, about 6' tall, with a most beautiful yellow...
I haven't any peach trees but the same thing has happened to my cherry and apple trees. I'm hoping you get some good replies. Good Luck!
5 Aug, 2012