United Kingdom
There is something seriously wrong with my Victoria plum tree. The leaves are full of brown patches and holes, the fruit is not ripenning properly and the immature plums are sticking together with clear sap. There are no aphids or unusual insects to be seen! Would appreciate any help, thanks.

5 Aug, 2012
The leaf damage is Black Spot, one of the many which attack most trees. Not a lot you can do about the already damaged leaves and these days there does not seem to be a spray either. Rose Clear might work, but it is not designed for edible crops. I used to use Copper sulphate, but.............
The damage to the fruit is possible the exit wound from a Plum moth lava or wasp damage. The re is little one can do about that either at this stage. Pheromone traps from May onwards do help a little.
5 Aug, 2012
Thanks Taz but yes I have checked under the leaves and there is nothing to see. Thanks Owdboggy, at least now I have a name for the problem and can consider pheromone traps for the future. There are quite a few wasps around come to think of it and I've found that they do love plums especially when they are ripe!
5 Aug, 2012
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Hi Anne, have you checked under the leaves, didn't see them on my tree till a turned over a leaf
5 Aug, 2012