By Neisy
United States
Thought these were Monarchs eating my Frangepanias. They're not. they triple in size within 2 to 3 days. They are ENORMOUS now and even scare the cats and birds. Is it "MOTHRA'' ?

5 Aug, 2012
Its a Frangipani Sphinx Moth caterpillar - they don't sting or anything, but can get up to 10 inches long...
5 Aug, 2012
Ten inches!! That would really scare me if I came across one. Beautiful though. Are they native?
6 Aug, 2012
You would think it would change into a beautiful colourful moth - but no - just a big brown one. Wonderful to see though.
6 Aug, 2012
Not native here, Merlinbabydoc, I don't think we get them at all here.
6 Aug, 2012
Thank goodness!!
6 Aug, 2012
Yea, I'm glad they're not here either - at 10 inches, you'd be tempted to use a shotgun, lol
7 Aug, 2012
Previous question
Wow,I've never seen any like this before..scary!..but beautiful markings ..
5 Aug, 2012