West Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
I have 2 plum trees ( victorias) which seem to bear fruit only every second year. The "in between" year I get only half a dozen or so plums on each. Is this normal? Also all the leaves seem to be full of holes. Any idea what could be causing this?
8 Aug, 2012
My experience is you get a good crop of Victoria plums every other year... there is no fruit on our plum this year.
8 Aug, 2012
No plums on our tree this year either. It is a very young tree, only two years old and last year in its first year it produced at least 60 plums. I think it needed a rest after that!
8 Aug, 2012
Think you're probably right, all of you, it seems to be the way of things- every second year. Anybody any idea what could be causing the "holy" leaves?
Wish I'd had the brains to plant them a year apart!
9 Aug, 2012
Previous question
I'm sure I've heard this before about some fruit trees and it might have been plums.
8 Aug, 2012