By Teddyflo
United Kingdom
Hi have been thinking of buying a fruit tree/bush but it cant be very big as i dont have a great deal of room does anyone have any suggestions.
8 Aug, 2012
You can buy apple trees that don't get very large. Some are even stick-like, growing straight up with the branches remaining close to the trunk.
9 Aug, 2012
There are ways of growing Apple, Pear and cherry in a compact but productive way but it involves pruning and some knowledge.
Kiwi and Blueberry are small bushes and Blueberry has a nice red tinge to the leaves in winter.
9 Aug, 2012
Agree with all above but make sure you have pollinators for apples and can Google all that. Keep a record of your variety if you buy an apple/pear. A book reference to fruit tree care is a good shop. Good luck too, as these small fruit trees are very variable in production, and prey to the same pests as larger trees. A good way to grow is CORDON near a boundary perhaps....a short supported row planted at an angle of about 45 degrees and kept close pruned.
9 Aug, 2012
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Goose bury,black current , red current plants will be fine , they aren't too big if pruned well and bare plenty of fruit in summer/autum !
8 Aug, 2012