By Rhickton
I have a piece of garden about 3 meters by 3 meters I have tried to grown veg the only veg that grows are peas and rhubarb. I would like to plant fruit bushes is there anything that is easy to grow that will grow anywhere thanking you in anticipation. Cathy
9 Aug, 2012
Raspberries, blackcurrants, elderflower, rose hips to name just a few. These are all hardy and will do you proud.
9 Aug, 2012
I just planted a Jostaberry and it is vigorous and has little fruit, but it is only year one. The Worcester berry, also a cross between the gooseberry and black current is full of thorns but is very abundant in fruit. To get round the thorns I prune at the same time as picking. They root very easily. Why not grow a thornless bramble, trained round three sides, which still leave the inside for something else. There is also the 'square foot' garden planting scheme which might serve you well.
10 Aug, 2012
Yeah Cutsand, Josta is a funny old fruiting 'shrub'. It grows quite large. This year one of my three fruited really well (has a short trunk about 4 ins diamter). My OH was needing extra care at that time so the pigeons got to them unpicked and nearly stripped it to a few left right in the middle, so be warned! The thornless blackberry is fantastic this year. The original Oregon Thornless is long gone, but son of and nephew of, were tip rooted in time to keep it going.
10 Aug, 2012
Thank you all for your suggestions will give them a try.
11 Aug, 2012
Previous question
One fruit bush I have tried is
Jostaberries. A cross between black currant and gooseberry. Not prickly. Vigorous when established but can chopped back to ground and will recover. So you need 3 bushes or buy one and snip bits off and slot into where you want to grow. They usually strike easily. When the first gets too rampant. Knock it back and let the other two grow and fruit. Can be used for sauce....very strong tasting. Jam or pies or part of summer pudding. May have to protect from wood pigeons and blackbirds. Maybe a thornless blackberry too on some sort of support like trellis. Easy. Try to get fruit on new shoots. Cut out old and support new ones in autumn. If no new shoots. Keep old ones plus more water next time round.
9 Aug, 2012