By Ad44downey
United Kingdom
Hi, I recently moved into a new house and I'm tidying the garden up a bit. I'm not very clued up on plants so can someone please confirm that the plant in the foreground with the white and yellow 'flowers' is indeed a weed before I yank it out of the ground? Many thanks.

9 Aug, 2012
We call them 'sowans' or Sow Thistle. Yes, a weed that spreads rapidly from those fluffy seeds.
9 Aug, 2012
Thanks to you both. It's coming out of the ground first thing tomorrow morning!
9 Aug, 2012
The 'white flowers' are seedheads - be careful they don't disperse - it is a weed, and if they disperse, you'll have hundreds more next year, lol
9 Aug, 2012