West Sussex,
United Kingdom
Cutting back shrubs.
Is this the right time to cut back the following shrubs please?
Buddleja Globosa, Sambucus Black Beauty, the common white summer jasmine and Abelia. They need a good prune but I don't want to kill them or lose their blooms next year. How much should I cut off please?
12 Aug, 2012
If you want next year's flowers on the sambucus though the best time is straight after flowering, as there is then time for the new flowering wood to grow.
12 Aug, 2012
Buddleja globosa is also a spring blooming species, so the best time to cut it is right after bloom. Otherwise, you will be cutting off next year's bloom.
Abelia blooms on new wood, so it can be cut anytime--though cutting in early fall might leave it more vulnerable to freeze damage in winter.
14 Aug, 2012
Thank you all for the advice. I will prune the Bg and the sambucus now although it might be a bit late for the latter. It's thrown out so many long branches that I haven't any choice! I'll leave the others for now. Thanks again.
14 Aug, 2012
Hope the Bg has time enough to form new buds this fall!
15 Aug, 2012
Oh Tug! Well, I haven't touched it yet. Perhaps I'll leave it and just have a really enormous bg next year! I can't deprive the bees who spend hours crawling all over it!
17 Aug, 2012
Can't deprive the bees! : )
You should be able to cut it back pretty hard late next spring, though, once it is done blooming.
22 Aug, 2012
I cut my buddlia back every September down to the dead wood and it shoots up every year without fail and this year it reached a majestic height with a profusion of dark purple double heads all over it and the butterflies love it. :^)
4 Nov, 2012
That's probably B. davidii, though, Dixie. B. globosa and B. alternifolia both form flower buds in the late summer and fall of the year before they bloom.
7 Nov, 2012
I have the same shrubs amongst others and I would prune all of those in late winter early spring. depending on the weather.
12 Aug, 2012