By Plant1ng
United Kingdom
Anyone has an answer to the problem of getting rid of slugs and snails by means of a choice of planting and any other suitable means ?
13 Aug, 2012
Hardy geraniums seem not to be affected here
14 Aug, 2012
I have decided to only grow slug proof plants as I have been so disheartened to find my dahlias and other glorious plants completely destroyed this year. So here is my list
Perennial geranium
Anthemis Buxton ( but only plant out when it's big enough)
Lady's mantle
Roses masses of them !!!!
I have been pleasantly surprised to find that I love all these plants, and the garden really works.
Already my garden looks better and I'm enjoying more. If I do have something they want, this year butternut squash, I go out every evening and kill as many as I can see. With a metal skewer....ughhhh....I'm winning.
14 Aug, 2012
Oh I forgot also nepeta, and Veronica and lots of purple salvias. I would post pictures but don't know how.
14 Aug, 2012
Polymoniums,Geums,Alliums,Roses..just a selection of plants that don't seem to be affected in my garden,...but they like plenty of the others ! My reason for now starting to replace slug and snail loving plants and flowers...
14 Aug, 2012
One hardy geranium they can't get enough of though is Black Beauty. I've lost two to the little blighters. I have found they stay away from dark leaved dahlias in my garden as a rule. This year, they have even started on some of my clematis (my favourite Triternata has suffered terribly) They don't seem to like Snapdragons, Choisya, Philadelphus, Trachelospermum Jasminoides, Jasmine Clotted Cream, Polemonium, Lavatera or Common Mallow. Just to add to the list. Why oh why don't they eat weeds? Wouldn't that just be heaven!
14 Aug, 2012
I have found the copper tape round pots and on walls works a treat Not had a single plant nibbled this year !
My patio garden is quite small so those of you with large gardens may have a problem covering all bases
14 Aug, 2012
Have a look at a blog today that starts dear fellow gardeners its from a member in France.......
14 Aug, 2012
I have some tubs with the small begonias in, and they don't eat them, and they have loved the rain and still look perfect.
14 Aug, 2012
The best idea is to grow sacrificial plants that slugs and snails prefer to anything you WANT to grow. You can then 'harvest' the susceptible plants complete with the slugs or snails and dispose of them. Hostas come to mind, but lettuce plants would obviously serve as would putting down large potatoes cut in half. Quite coincidentally we were growing hostas by a pond right next to Ligularia dentata (I think) and the hostas were untouched while the Ligularia leaves were completely devoured.
14 Aug, 2012
Many thanks to all of you for your valuable suggestions
14 Aug, 2012
Slugpellets in my garden, plus the order of the boot, nope I don`t feel guilty, why should I when the snails show no remorse whatsoever when eating my plants....
I have in the past tried Bertie`s way, the blighters invited all their family and friends over for a party and still ate my plants....
14 Aug, 2012
Previous question
Carol Klein had a number of suggestions for slug-proof planting on G's W last Friday. If you didn't see it, you can pick it up on BBC i-player. Some gardeners may find their choices would be slightly different, but hellebores and fatsia japonica feature high on everyone's list, I should think! Flowering plants are a bit more difficult. I find crocosmia and antirrhinums are usually rejected and I'm sure others can add to the list. Or disagree with mine!
13 Aug, 2012