By Caroljameson
United Kingdom
We have just bought a 6ft x 4ft 6" Monkey puzzle tree and would like to know how big the rootball will be? It is presently in the ground but we have to dig it up, and would like some idea how far down into the ground it may be and how wide the roots will spread? Can you help please with any advise? thanking you. kind regards. Carol
15 Aug, 2012
I'd agree with TG's guess and wonder how you actually plan to move...
15 Aug, 2012
Thanks for the video and research- i'm sure it will come in handy!:)
15 Aug, 2012
I recently moved a 5' monkey puzzle tree. Root ball was not massive, maybe 2' across, 1.5 ft deep, but it also had a single long, fat root, which I followed for as far as possible then chopped it off (at around 5 ft long). It has survived the replanting now for a year and is quite happy.
17 Aug, 2012
P.S. Get the elastoplasts ready, it's nearly impossible to avoid injury :-)
17 Aug, 2012
Thank you Sophie, thats really helpful, and i will get the plasters at the ready. kind regards. Carol
17 Aug, 2012
I haven't a clue really but I did a couple of googles and came up with this;
It doesn't tell you much but the size looks the same size as yours.
Then I found a supplier who sells his trees in five litre pots but did not give a size of the tree but I would guess they would be under 2ft high.
Based on this I would guess a 6ft specimen may have a root system of around four times that much so if it were in a pot it would be around 20-25 litres or if you like the size of a five gallon drum.
So my guess is; a root spread of two to three foot to a depth of around 12" to 18" deep.
But as I have said......its only a guess!
15 Aug, 2012