By Jenny7
United Kingdom
My neighbour recently planted two tubs of violas. The flowers in one of the tubs are thriving but those in the other tub seem to have been eaten by something. It looks like just the petals have been eaten, not the entire flower head. What do you think has happened?
15 Aug, 2012
Rabbits and mice may also eat viola petals so if one tub is nearer their escape route or run this could explain why one tub has been left unscathed (but presumably if this is the case when they run out of petals on one tub they'll move to the next!)
17 Aug, 2012
Slugs love Violas, but love the flower most and tend to eat that first, so my thought is a caterpillar. Go out at dusk/night with a torch and have a look.
15 Aug, 2012