Can I re-site a pieris now from a large pot into my small garden.
By Sandang
United Kingdom
Can I re-site a pieris now from a large pot into my small garden, at present it is approx 5ft in height and much too big for the pot. (not sure of the spelling)
Thank you,
Malcolm Harris
On plant
Thank you for your help re re-sighting the pieris, I have done as advised and purchased a bag of miracle grow acid compost, there was quite a large ball virtually undisturbed so I think all will be ok. It has rained continually since transplanting which I
15 Aug, 2012
I agree with Teegee..and as they like acid soil, ,it might be best to dig some into your planting hole,if you don't already have those will give it a good start...
I don't have acid soil,but both mine are thriving,with adding this first,and I keep giving them a mulch every problems at all.. both were in tubs at one point ..good luck ..
16 Aug, 2012
You can do it now, but you will need to keep it well watered until the weather turns much colder and winter is upon us - it won't be able to seek out its own water for some months, until it breaks out of its rootball and puts out more roots. Alternatively, wait till late September and do it then.
As Bloomer indicates, if your soil is not acid, then digging over the area you're going to plant it in and incorporating some ericaceous compost would be useful.
16 Aug, 2012
I would say yes!
Containerised plants can generally be transplanted at any time.
However I would suggest you prepare the planting hole in advance of the move.
The detail on this link from the planting stage will give you some idea as to what to do!
15 Aug, 2012