United Kingdom
how can I control leatherjackets? the lawn has yellow patches and a magpie is ripping up the lawn, small white tipped larvae 20mm are in the lawn just under the surface. Around 10 under a dinner plate.
- 16 Aug, 2012
If you want to use the nematode solution, google Nemesys and select the product for leatherjackets - not usually available at garden centres.
17 Aug, 2012
Or you could use a small chair and a whip!
Sorry, I'll get me coat.
17 Aug, 2012
17 Aug, 2012
Mind it would be a bit hard to get them to sit on stools though. And the thought of getting ones head in their mouths....................
18 Aug, 2012
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You can try the suggestions here;
16 Aug, 2012