By Andip
United Kingdom
I think this is an Oak, but am not sure.
Can anybody confirm please?

17 Aug, 2012
I did wonder if it were an Acer, but I couldn't quite tell from checking a few identification sites online.
Glad I checked, I have a couple that had self seeded and am moving them while landscaping (as well as about ten Ash of varying size).
If they are Acers then I might be able to accommodate them, I didn't want to re-site an Oak though.
So do you think this is Field Maple (Acer campestre), as my knowledge of Acers is limited to the more ornamental Japanese style.
17 Aug, 2012
I can't tell if is a Field Maple or not, Andip, but I would think it very likely.
17 Aug, 2012
No, sorry Andip, not an oak but an acer.
17 Aug, 2012