By Sue_smith
in2010 I grew pumpkins from seed from a bought pumpkin. In 2011 i grew pumpkins from those pumpkins. This year I used 2010 seed again andthough I have 2 pumpkin plants I have one that is growing giant things that look like a cross between that and a marrow. My question is, is this possible and, if so, how do I eat it? Do i let it ripen or do I treat it like a marrow? It is way ahead of the real pumpkin and has 5 giant fruits on it - sort of ovoid in shape. Smith
19 Aug, 2012
Sounds like a bit of cross pollination has taken place prior to you purchasing the original fruit in 2010.
It is anyones guess how this fruit was grown or bred even.
It might have been a hybrid, which would mean it underwent a breeding programme.
With Pumpkin and Marrow being of the same family, they (the breeders) may have introduced 'marrow' genes for some reason, and these are now appearing in second generation stock....throw backs if you like!
If in doubt use it as a Marrow as you suggest!
But as I said it is anyones guess!!
20 Aug, 2012