By Stamatula
County Tyrone,
United Kingdom
I have grown marrows for the first time and have a bumper crop. What is the best way to store them as I could not possibly use them up any way soon!!
20 Aug, 2012
Are there any bring and buy sales locally.... :0)
. or marrow and ginger jam , if you put that into the white searchbox in the top right hand corner of this page theres recipes stored on here
20 Aug, 2012
Various versions of marrow chutney are nice, too! (try Google for recipes, there are lots, for instance: -
I made this 'Irish Marrow Chutney' (!), and Marrow & Ginger Chutney, and an old recipe (Good Housekeeping I think) for traditional Marrow Chutney last season - even managed to convince my French neighbours (who don't usually hold with chutneys!) to try them... (none left! - er, chutney - not neighbours!)
Marrow can also go in piccalilli if the skins haven't gone too tough (i.e. use them while still fresh because there is no cooking to soften them).
These chutneys are easy to make, they jazz up winter meals, and they keep well (1 year or more if needed) if you follow the traditional instructions for their packaging (sterilised jars etc.), and if prettily packed (there are some good labels for home-made jams/preserves to print and personalise yourself, that you can find on internet) - they make good Christmas presents!
Good luck with them!
As said above, the raw marrows themselves keep quite a while in a cool frost-free place and are useful then for that old stand-by, stuffed marrow later in the year...
20 Aug, 2012
Thankyou. I think Il try the chutney recipe!!
20 Aug, 2012
Along with Courgettes (same family) we make them into Ratatouille then decant it into meal size portions and freeze them to use as and when.
We also find it is a useful way to store / use up, suplus Tomatoes, Thick necked onions that wouldn't store, mis-shaped peppers,and small garlic cloves.
In other words things that are difficult to store and are suited to cooking & freezing!
Otherwise store them in a cool, airy, dark, frost free area.
Do not allow them to touch each other as they may sweat and rot meaning you have the potential to lose both
20 Aug, 2012