By Ricky
United Kingdom
blighted by blight my friends 3 years in a row the blight has got into my polytunnel and murdered my toms this serial killer also took out my spuds even tho i had been spraying them with dithane since early june what an awful year, so from now on its blight resistant tomato seeds for me and also sarpo potatoes blight resistant i believe, so what im asking is has anyone grown these blight resistant seed before toms and spuds what was your results and also does blight stay dormant in the soil year on year or is this an old wives tale many thanks
21 Aug, 2012
Good advice above but if you can risk it try planting VERY early and cropping spuds before blight hits them.Equally plant late for Christmas.All climate dependent but in 2006 I had a crop to market on March 17th having planted the chitted seed pots in December--var Minerva.
21 Aug, 2012
Previous question
Blight does stay dormant in the soil, Ricky, but not forever. Rather than so-called 'blight resistant' varieties I would be inclined to not grow any potatoes and tomatoes for the next three or four years and let the soil rest. There are plenty more worhwhile crops that you can grow. I am assuming that your growing area is separate from other ground where neighbours also have blight. If everyone else round about has the same problem as you then you may as well just go with the blight resistant stuff.
21 Aug, 2012