By Karensusan63
Heuchera. Any ideas on the identity of this one please? Bought it at a local nursery un-named. Split it in to 12 small plantlets and they have all grown beautifully. It's my favourite H. so would be nice to know it's name!

21 Aug, 2012
As it is in bloom now, red flower and veined green leaves, it is possibly Paris. Google 'platagogo'and ID from their photo or use google images and type in Paris. Plantagogo hold the nat collection and they plants for sale are in alphabetical order.
21 Aug, 2012
Thank you both. That's true, I could now check both those websites with the flower colour. :D
21 Aug, 2012
Not Paris, but I think it may be 'Rave On' looking at Vicky's site. I'll put that with a question mark beside it. Thanks!
21 Aug, 2012
I thought it might be 'Rave on' too, as it reminds me of mine, if so the flowers are quite a bold red and flower all summer. Photos of them on Goypeadia and Rave on is also on my garden page.
21 Aug, 2012
Thank you Denise. Will check out your pics!
22 Aug, 2012
Sorry Karen having looked again I dont think it is rave on as the flowers are way too Pale?
22 Aug, 2012
You know, I didn't think that, but I did think your photos of the foliage didn't look the same as mine. It's like Rave On, but 'gentler' somehow. Of course, that could be down to different climate, as these plants are so sensitive to climate change and sun exposure Denise....I wonder if I will ever get a match! lol....perhaps it's a rogue 'new var' !
22 Aug, 2012
Why not send a pm to Vicky. I have been through every one on Goypeadia and there is nothing like it that I could see?
22 Aug, 2012
Hi Karen will post pictures of Paris currently in bloom taken just now at 9.45 am. Label says blooms into summer. The flower is dark pink with light pink highlights. Photo of 'Rave On' taken same time. Label says 'flowers in spring'. Have not seen 'Rave On' in flower, as it got severe rust, and had to be cut back to nothing a few months ago. There are plenty of Heuchera with green veined leaves with silver overlay. Flowering time is a good indicator too. Digitals not always reflecting colour accurately as well.
22 Aug, 2012
THank you , that will help!
22 Aug, 2012
Yup, had a look and can are right. Not Rave On...back to the catalogues!
22 Aug, 2012
Just emailed Vicki1 hopefully she will have a look for me some time.....thanks everyone!
11 Sep, 2012
Hi karen
Thanks for sending the link again, I couldnt find your email when I was looking!
Ok well its always tricky as alot look different when put into different places.
For instance more shade, or slightly more light etc.
However I think it is Heuchera Mysteria
Its not 'Paris'
Its not 'Rave on'
After alot of thinking it is Heuchera Mysteria for my money lol
I think you have some rust starting on that photo, second picture on left hand side as you look at it about 2 spots.
Take a look and trim it off and spray with a fungus spray containing 'Systhane' take a look on our website under 'growing tips and conditions' under 'Rust' all this wet has been a terrible your for it. If you see a spot get rid and spray asap to stop it spreading.
When buying heucheras take care it doesnt have it when you buy it.
I have been to alot of places recently and seen it on the plants at point of sale!
When I tell the G centre they dont seem to think it is their problem .....its the customers I was told at one G centre who has won alot of awards!!!
Dont panic if you get it. No need to throw away just follow our instructions on website and repeat if it comes back. Once it has truely gone they will be ok again but due to this weather it needs keeping an eye on.
It wont spread to anything else only other heucheras.
16 Sep, 2012
oops clicked to soon
hope this helps karen
Feel free to email again if you nedd help
That goes for any other GOYers (especially if you have had from plantagogo)
Great to see some of you at the shows this year
Vicky X
16 Sep, 2012
That's great Vicky, thank you so much. A few of my Heuchs have rust, but I hadn't spotted that bit. I'll get the spray out today! Great advice, thanks! and thanks for the ID....really pleased to know it's proper name...great name too considering the 'mystery' it has been for a year now!
16 Sep, 2012
Hi Vicky I now have 11 and love them. May I ask - 8 have been in the same place now for three summers and are lovely sizes. Should I divide them next spring or can I leave them alone as they are such healthy plants?
16 Sep, 2012
Vicki has confirmed an impression I have gained over time about some Heucheras......that they can look quite different in leaf colour due to where they are placed. They can develope tones in the leaves that are related to degree of shading/sunshine.
17 Sep, 2012
Yes Dorjac, and not only that, but they also change so much over the season that it is very tricky sometimes to id them. One of my 'Caramel' is almost cream now, but others in different areas of the garden are still quite caramel in colour. How much light they get on them is a big factor, and then there's my neutral-acidic soil.
17 Sep, 2012
No problem everyone, always happy to help(even if it does take me a while to respond on here sorry )
Very busy at them moment with the last of the shows and getting ready for our open day - which all of GOY is inveited too :)
It will never be totally ready I need a year lol!!)
Open day dates are 13th &14th October 10am - 4pm each day
You need to keep mounding the soil up around the stalks. NEVER COVER THE CROWN but it is ok to bury the stalks.
An easy way to keep them looking fresh is to mound the soil around them as you go.
When ever tidying or weeding around them just earth up the ground a bit.
At around three years some varieties can go leggy/stalky if you haven't earthed up previously to stop it going stalky, you can spilt or dig up and lower next spring or just start to earth up around the stems
So the answer is 'yes ' if you want but if you are happy and they are not leggy/stalky leave them where they are.
I know what you mean even I dont ever want to split them and move if they look good.
So now you know you don't have to if you don't want too and they will stay fresh by doing the earthing up trick.
They last for year and years and get better and better using this method
19 Sep, 2012
Nice to chat to you all I had better go back to bed as its 3.28am got to get up in 3 hours!
19 Sep, 2012
Ooo karensusan6 The only other variety it could be if it wasn't 'Mysteria' is 'Earth Angel' but I can't see the flowers too well so thats why I plumped for 'Mysteria' Mysteria suits it better lol
Anyway I am off to bed NOW!! lol
19 Sep, 2012
Thanks Vicky, I have been earthing up and it has worked well.
19 Sep, 2012
Doh....I've looked and it does look really like Earth Angel Vicky....but I think I'll leave it as Mysteria as the name suits it so well, and can't be absolutely sure! :) Thanks for the advice re never covering the crowns. I think that is why I have lost one or two of my babies...planted too deep. I shall take care in future.
19 Sep, 2012
p.s. how do you survive on so little sleep. I have a theory that all successful women have low sleep requirements. If I don't get 8 hours I am a wreck and very very antisocial! ;)
19 Sep, 2012
lol I dont know but sometime I wish I did sleep more!
I have too much I want to do I think,this is the only way to do it all (well nearly all... will never get it all done!)
My mum and dad put central heating in because of me. When I was little, as I was always up at 5am or earlier wanting to play! I was no both to them mum said as long as they didnt try to put me back to bed (what a pain!) When the heating went in it was great I could play as much as I wanted.
I never slept in the day either mum said, If Tom had been like that I would have thought he was the child from hell.... interupting my night time job catch up lol
I am writing this and in a hotel at Chelmsford (we are doing RHS Hyde plant fair this weekend) Richard is shall we say breathing very heavily lol and enjoys (and has to have) lots of sleep too lol
I will have to go to bed in a minute as its nearly 4am and I have to get up at 6.30
Enjoy your Earth Angel/Mysteria ( I think its Earth Angel too but Mysteria suits it better in this case:))
Speak to you soon x
22 Sep, 2012
wow! what a woman, even Mgt. Thatcher needed more sleep than you! :)
22 Sep, 2012
Previous question
Hi are you aware of heucherasholics? Loads on there give it a google may help, sorry I can't, just starting to get interested in them, look lovely in oliveoils garden don't they?
21 Aug, 2012