By Glassman
United Kingdom
I have a Cosmos flower growing from the centre of another cosmos flower head - is this usual or very rare ?
22 Aug, 2012
Occasionally, over-fertilization--especially with nitrates--can cause it, too.
22 Aug, 2012
If you look at my avatar, cosmos can do some wonderful things. Like my twin headed flower. Infact there are an awful lot of flowers that can fasciate or proliferate. as Bamboo says.
23 Aug, 2012
Thanks to all for replies from Glassman
23 Aug, 2012
Never seen it on a Cosmos, but it probably does occur - its mostly likely down to something called Proliferation, where flowers try, or actually do, grow out of another flower, sometimes with a triple decker effect. Caused by some sort of injury (frost, physical damage) or a virus.
22 Aug, 2012