By Nancycoonan
I have vine in glass house planted early in year. it s very big now growing cross top an 3 wings to side but no fruit ir flowers ': help NANCY
23 Aug, 2012
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Hi Nancy......About the don't have to let it have all its own way, or you won't get in the greenhouse. That said it sounds like it is very fast growing. I know our vine, which is outside, is maybe 25 years old but, after all the rain, this year there is some frond to be ruthlessly snipped off practically every day. It has grapes galore, just starting to turn black. When you get to end of November take everything off and leave the main stem bare. By March it will stir again and maybe start to flower. Remember to leave the door or vents open to let pollinators in and good luck
23 Aug, 2012