what to grow
By Hedgehogg
United Kingdom
If anyone lives in west of scotland i would greatfully recieve advice on what grows well in our climate. Im about to get started with a large east facing garden. Nothing growing apart from weeds so far. Going to do small border that looses sun at 1pm, medium sized border along south facing fence and really large border against brick wall at bottom of garden which gets sun untill 3-4pm. I would like to put in long flowering, hardy perrenials, and plants with strong fragrance, climers and plants which attract wildlife like bees, butterflies and small birds. Seen loads of nice things in catalogues but dont know what will grow in west scotland as we are wetter and cooler and different soil from south england. Snails also problem have eaten 2 clematis elizabeth montana in no time at all very annoying. Any tips greatly appreciated. Thanks guys.
4 May, 2008
hi hedgehogg I'm also from the west of scotland lanarkshire where are you from let me no i might be able to help
5 May, 2008
Im north west glasgow mary so not far from you. Im really just interested to hear what you have found grows well in your garden and anything that you think i shouldnt bother to try. Last spring i put in cottage garden perrenials a collection that i bought from a catalogue - gladioli lupins etc well none came up at all so now thinking i should start with what grows well here instead of what looks good in catalogues. Thaks for any tips and thanks david will have a look at erica i dont know what it is yet, and i agree rhododendrons seem to grow fabulously here.
5 May, 2008
Im in Ayr, clematis grows well, the small one which flowers early spring(montana) and large stripped one, fox glove, lucifer (crocosmia) dhalia, lupine came up one year then not the next,tulips daffodils, tree lilies(but pollen can kill cats) bleeding heart,cosmos(fab and grow very tall feathery leaves and colourful daisy flowers)lavander, rhododendrons, have a walk round the streets where you live and see what grows and if anyone is out in their garden ask them politely for some advice(tell them their garden looks wonderfull!)
7 Oct, 2012
I'm very close to the east coast, hedgehogg, and it is just that wee bit different from the west. Are you close to, or near, the coast? I always think that ericaceous-loving plants such as rhododendron and erica look so much healthier and at home, in the west. Look at what others around you are growing well, and try to find out what grows in some of the Open gardens over there. Also, do a soil pH test to find out a bit more about it and which plants you can grow best. Sorry, can't be more helpful with specific plants at the mo. Good luck with the search!
5 May, 2008