By Polyear
United Kingdom
Where are all the butterflies this year ?Despite planting lots of nectar rich flowers etc eg buddlea , only had half a dozen cabbage whites. Is this nationwide or just local ?
23 Aug, 2012
There have been a lot of comments on GOY about the lack of butterflies.
23 Aug, 2012
This may explain more - David Attenborough calls for help as butterflies face worst year ever ... › Environment › Butterflies
23 Aug, 2012
I must say that I have loads of butterflys in my garden...maybe they have all come to Germany...
23 Aug, 2012
Well, Rogi, could you tell them their holiday is over and we'd like them to fly back here please! ... :o)
23 Aug, 2012
Distinct shortage here too, and last year - not even seen a cabbage white this year. Had some small blues about, but that's it, despite the buddleia I planted 2 years ago - doesn't seem to have helped.
23 Aug, 2012
We have had a lot of butterflies on our buddleia here in hereford. If you want cabbage whites I have hundreds of catapillers on my purple sprouting if you want some lol
23 Aug, 2012
Er, no thanks, Jenfren, lol. I want Peacocks and Red Admirals and Commas and Small Tortoiseshells, all the ones I used to see frequently.
23 Aug, 2012
The long spells of wet weather earlier this summer meant that the butterflies did not have the length of warm spell they needed to find a mate and lay eggs so there are simply fewer around this year. Nationally, I think.
23 Aug, 2012
We have just had a sudden rush of butterflies in Northumberland last weekend which was great to see. Fortunately not many cabbage whites since I decided to stop growing Aquilegias which they seemed to love!
23 Aug, 2012
Up until today i have only saw 2 butterflies this nonsummer! Today there were around 4 or 5 fluttering around a various times this afternoon. Its a pity that the buddleja has just about finished!
23 Aug, 2012
They've all come to Spain on holiday! Peacocks, Painted Ladies, Tortoiseshells, Cleopatras, Swallowtails, Small Blues, Ringlets, Fritillaries ...... They're all here having a marvellous time!
24 Aug, 2012
Ah at least they're happy Nariz,!.
we had none hardly for ages but a few days ago we had a sudden warm spell and must have had a dozen peacocks, but no admirals and haven't seen tortoiseshell or commas for ages
24 Aug, 2012
we have suddenly had an invasion of all sorts. only spotted them from Sunday onwards. Out budds were covered in Peacocks, tortoise shell and red admirals. Quite a few cabbage whites too, but they have only been around for about a week.
24 Aug, 2012
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I havn't seen many either.
23 Aug, 2012