By Lbsnoop76
United Kingdom
I have two clematis, situated quite near each other, one looks great loads of flowers and nice green leaves, the other had a few flowers, brown leaves and lots of flies on it! Not sure why or what to do?
25 Aug, 2012
Any idea what varieties they are? If the one with brown leaves and only a few flowers is an earlier flowering variety, but the healthy one with masses of flowers is a later, viticella type, that might explain why they look so different currently.
25 Aug, 2012
They are same type, planted a the same time, ill go have a look and see if it looks like they are planted at different depths
25 Aug, 2012
If they're both planted in the same way, then there's either something dodgy about the poorly clematis itself, or some difference in the conditions for one compared to the other, as Drc suggests - less rain, more rain, less sun, more sun, close to large roots of another plant, something like that.
25 Aug, 2012
Previous question
Perhaps you didnt plant it deep enough? Or could one be getting water and one too dry?
Try removing all the dead stuff and cutting it down to the ground, give it a good water if dry and apply a thick mulch, with any luck it will recover by next year.
25 Aug, 2012