By Claire_payne
United Kingdom
Hi there, we moved into our house with immaculate garden just under two years ago. The is a mature wisteria on the south facing wall and last summer it was magnificent. This year however it produced buds then appeared to stop. No leaves or flowers and the base appears to contain some rot. We can't be definite but we wonder whether this might be connected to our neighbour emptying their above ground swimming pool twice last year which flooded the area surrounding said wisteria. Do you think the excess water is the issue ( although the bed is generally pretty dry) or possibly if there were chemicals in the pool water? Next to the wisteria my 2 young Daphne plants died. We have lightly pruned the wisteria and it seems to be alive. What can we do to help reduce the rot and help revitalise our feature wisteria. Thank you for your time. Claire Payne- West Sussex
25 Aug, 2012
You are probably right, but sadly I don't think my neighbour has much regard for such regulations.
25 Aug, 2012
Pool water should be allowed to sit for several days, to allow chlorine etc to vent off, then discharged to the public sewer. Depending on where you live you may need to advise your water company before discharge. The Environment Agency may take an interest in this if you choose to advise them but could cause problems between you and the neighbour.
25 Aug, 2012
Thank you I will bear that in mind.
25 Aug, 2012
Thanks from me to Bulba as I thought you could not just empty them as the fancy takes you.
25 Aug, 2012
I dont have a pool but will follow this question as I find it interesting. I assumed water on this scale with added chemicals would have to be returned to the mains drains?
25 Aug, 2012