By Riverdee
Cheshire, United Kingdom
Move Hibiscus or Smoke bush?
I have an hibiscus shrub right next to my smoke bush. Poor smoke bush not doing well, as the hibiscus grown much bigger than I expected and taking over.
Which shrub would be OK to move this autumn?
They are both on the shady side of the garden and also under shade of tree-sized mock orange. I thought at first the hibiscus, as I felt it should be on the sunny side - but seems to be doing OK there. (as was the smoke bush pre hibiscus) What do you think?
Cheers and thanks -
- 25 Aug, 2012
I have a smoke bush, it is under a variagated elder and next to an indian bean tree. No matter what I do I can't get the thing to grow up, It insists on sprawling, it always has since i first put it in. Hence the added growth for height.
You could always move the hibiscus. they prefer sunshine and maybe will behave itself better, if it is not looking to grow into the sun. But take cuttings before you do. An hibiscus grows easily from cuttings, shouls the transplant not suit the original parent plant, where as a Cotinus rarely does, if at all.
26 Aug, 2012
Grateful thanks to you all - very kind - its good to hear from professionals!
If it ever stops raining, I hope to get some changes made!
29 Aug, 2012
Previous question
Can't advise except to say that I think a smoke bush looks at its best with the sun shining through the leaves rather than onto them - but that's a matter of personal preference.
25 Aug, 2012