By Nimrom
United Kingdom
Hi, i have 4 patio fruit trees, self-fertile, 2 apple, 1 pear, 1 nectarine, didn't expect anything off pear 1st year, had 5 apples on one, which all dropped, nectarine has shot up, no blossom,is it all a waste of time and effort? Thankyou
25 Aug, 2012
Dwarf nectarines come in two types: genetic dwarf, which only shoot up if the understock sprouts; and standard varieties with a genetic dwarf interstock. The latter rarely are as dwarf as advertised. Also, if you planted them in the ground, or in a very large pot, all fruit trees often spend the next 2-5 years growing roots and leaves before the fruit well, if at all.
27 Aug, 2012
Fruit trees, when small, on limiting rootstock can be so disappointing. You can think you are there and fruit drops off and the slugs pounce on them and they are no use. All you can do is a big enough pot, enough water and cross your fingers for next time round or decide to plant something else.
25 Aug, 2012